Built by pet lovers for pet lovers
Someone located Socks in their garden and they then used PetsReunited to see if he was reported missing and they found his picture on here! Thank you to that individual and to PetsReunited for giving us back out precious pet!
Our cat Bailey was found thanks to her report on Pets Reunited. After nearly 10 months we had lost all hope and honesty couldn't be happier to have her home. Thank you so so much!!
Black cat with green/black eye cat
Oxlow Lane, Dagenham RM9 5XD, UK
Grey Domestic long-haired cat
Green Lane, London SW16 3LU, UK
Black and white cat
Deeping Saint Nicholas, Spalding PE11 3XU, UK
Black & Tan French Bulldog dog
Clark Street, Saint Jude's, Bristol, UK
Brindle and White Staffordshire Bull Terrier dog
Southmead, Bristol, UK
Black Domestic short-haired cat
Bristol, UK
Black/White Domestic long-haired cat
Long Lane, Croydon CR0 7AN, UK
Colchester CO2 8YQ, UK
Green Quaker parrot
Acacia Road, Bedford MK42 0HT, UK
White Domestic short-haired cat
Moses Street, Dingle, Liverpool L8 4SY, Reino Unido
We operate a database of lost and found pets in the UK that's available 24/7. Search by species, location, colour and time
Report a pet that belongs to you that is lost or has been stolen. Read more about how we can help.
If you've found a stray pet - the chances are, its owner is looking for it. The best thing you can do is report it to us. This is a FREE service.
Register your pet as missing and we'll log it in our database and create a dedicated, search-engine optimised, mobile friendly web page for your pet that contains key details about your pet, where it was last seen and how to contact you.
Our searchable, localised database of lost and found pets is publicly accessible 24/7, so if anyone finds your pet - they can find your details and get in touch.
In addition to listing your missing pet on the internet, we can send your missing pet report out any organisations that might come into contact with your pet. Vets, rescue centres, animal charities and local authorities who are signed up to our PetWatch™ Alerts in your area will all be alerted.
We also have thousands of PetWatch™ Volunteers who will keep a look out for any pets we tell them about in the local area.
A great deal of pets are reunited with their owners thanks to the internet, but it's equally important to get the word out on the streets in your neighbourhood with posters and flyers.
Sometimes it's hard to know what details to include on a lost pet poster - and it can be even harder if you're in a panic. We can take care of it all for you and email a poster and a flyer direct to your inbox for you to print out.
When a pet goes missing, it's usually somewhere within the local area. So it's important to spread the word as quickly as possible both in your local area and online. And we can help you with both.
We will send an email alert with your missing pet's details to vets, rescues and volunteers in your area within 1 hour of your report being approved.
You need to get out there and spread the word in you neighbourhood, so we can create ready-made posters and flyers for you and email them directly to your inbox ready for you to print at home and distribute straight away.
We will create a search engine optimised dedicated web page for your missing pet with a photo, location map and all the key details about your pet. Search engines crawl the website everyday and our pages rank very highly in Google.
It's a sad fact there are some nasty people out there and publishing your phone number on the internet might mean you start getting unwanted phone calls. We can provide you with a disposable phone number that routes calls and texts invisibly to your phone. We publish this phone number online instead of yours.
Social Media has proven to be very effective way to spread the word about your missing pet, but it can be chaotic and unorganised. We provide you with links to share your missing pet report easily on social media. Having a single point of contact to share means people will always be able to reach you.
You can search our database of lost and found pets in your area anytime, 24 hours a day. Sometimes a pet can be transported out of the local area, so you can search the whole country too.
Need to look up a report you've seen on a poster? Enter the reference number below:
Until mid 2017, we operated a lost and found pet service just for Oxfordshire, but now we've expanded our missing pet service to the whole of the UK.
Here's a list of all the counties that we're currently active in:
Sign up to receive our PetWatch™ Alerts and you could help other pet owners in your local area in their hour of need just by giving us your postcode and email address.
When a pet is reported lost or found nearby, we'll send you an email alert with the pet's details.
If you've seen the pet we're looking for while you're out and about - you can let us know! In some cases, you could even earn a reward.
You can unsubscribe from our PetWatch™ Alerts at any time.