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LOST DOG: grey Italian Greyhound dog called Blue - Barnsley area, South Yorkshire


Name: Blue
Breed & Species: Italian Greyhound dog
Colour: grey
Went missing: 5 years ago
(04 May 2019 at around 18:00hrs)
Location: Greenset View, Barnsley S71 3NJ, UK
Health: Healthy
Age: 10 years old (approx)
Sex: Male
Microchipped: Yes
Markings: He has a limp
Circumstances: Blue was on a walk but went missing in heavy rain - he doesn't like the cold and was heading back home to Greenset view athersley when he went missing. Worried someone else has picked him up. We really miss him.
Other info: Blue is very friendly and has a distinctive silver grey coat and a limp from an earlier injury
Our ref: PR48470
Posted on: 05 May 2019
Posted by: Skell123Skell123
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Where Blue went missing:

Greenset View, Barnsley S71 3NJ, UK

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My Nan really misses her dog Blue - if you have seen him please get in touch
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saw this on a lost dog site thought i would shear it... Dani Penny, lovely blue Greyhound Gender: Female Age: 3 - 4 years Neutered: As part of adoption process Penny is a beautiful blue female Greyhound, born March 2015. She’s a really sweet natured dog, lovely with people and well socialised around other dogs. Greyhounds don’t need much exercise, just two half hour walks a day is enough for them and they are content to lounge around the rest of the time. They make great family pets. Not suitable for rehoming with cats or small furries. Please phone us on 01226 388764 for further info. Adoption info Make sure you have given careful thought before you adopt a dog. They are social animals and enjoy company so if you are out much of the time, they may get bored or distressed. A dog needs to be exercised with two good walks at least, morning & afternoon/evening. Consider the cost of food and vet bills for things such as regular flea and worming treatments and annual booster vaccinations and also factor in the cost of pet insurance. We would advise shopping around to compare quotes but please remember, cheapest isn’t always best. Check any excesses that might apply and that the insurance company will continue to provide cover when your pet gets older. If you are in rented accommodation, will your landlord allow you to keep a dog? Do you have access to a secure outside space so your dog can be let out to relieve itself? Finally, can you offer a forever home for a rescue dog? Pick the right dog for you. Consider the size/age/type of dog to fit in with your circumstances and lifestyle. Go to our kennels and take the dog for a walk or have a game with it in an enclosed area. Get to know it and if necessary, go back for a follow up visit to ensure you have made the right choice. If you want to know more about a dog, feel free to ask at the kennels or ring us on 01226 388764. Remember many of our dogs are picked up as strays and rescued from pounds so we don’t always know their history. Once you have chosen your dog – phone us on 01226 388764. We will discuss your choice of dog to ensure it is the right one for you. For example if you have children and we know a dog is nervous around them, we will discuss whether one of our other dogs would be more suitable. If you live locally, we would then usually arrange a home visit to make sure that you have fully considered all aspects of dog ownership, give advice on making sure gardens are secure and also about diet and exercise. You will be given an opportunity to ask as many questions as you like as we want to ensure you are 100% certain before you adopt a dog from us. You will be asked to sign an adoption form and pay an adoption fee. Once this is done, you can collect your dog as soon as is convenient. We will arrange to update the appropriate microchip database to put everything in your name. Most dogs come already neutered but in some cases this won’t have been done, for example if a bitch has recently been in season. In these circumstances, you will get a neutering voucher instead. If you live some distance away, we may be able to get another rescue to do a home visit on our behalf. Otherwise, if you have had a pet in the recent past and have used a vet, we may opt to do a vet reference check instead. We would be asking your vet to confirm you are a responsible owner and for example, that you have sought timely treatment when necessary and have regularly flea’d and wormed and had your pet neutered. Available for adoption PreviousPrevious http://www.ineedahome.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Penny-Ghound1.jpg
Hi, I spent the majority of last night chasing around athersley after a grey hound, it was laid in the middle of the road and I had to dive in and drag him out as a lorry nearly flattened him. But before I knew it he was sprinting off down that public footpath towards fleets. A few other people in cars were attempting to chase him down but with being the only one on foot I wa sgiven a few treats and I was searching in the woods, now at about 10pm I saw him again and showed him the treats, he began to wander over but as he got about 10 metres away he sprinted off and I lost him again. I carried on searching till 11:30 but by that point my phone was dead and it was too dark to see anything. Now obviously I'm not sure if he's your greyhound I just obviously thought as there is an article here in this area. Feel free to call me, I've tried calling the number a few times 07810577894.

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