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FOUND CAT: Black & white cat - Bicester area, Oxfordshire

This report is now closed.

Please see the comments below for more information.

Name: Unknown
Breed & Species: Moggy (short haired) cat
Colour: Black & white
Found: 12 years ago
(15 November 2012 at around 18:00hrs)
Location: Hawksmead, Bicester, Oxfordshire
Health: Healthy
Age: 10 years old (approx)
Sex: Male
Collar: No
Microchipped: No
Circumstances: Originally found between Hawksmead and Turnstone Green in Langford Village - she is very talkative & likes people. She has been taken off out doorstep meowing around 22.00 this evening (Thur 15th November). I think she may be local but has been seen sleeping on doorsteps in Turnstone Green too. Quite nervous and worried if she has owners that they are missing her.
Our ref: PR31099
Posted on: 15 November 2012
Posted by: AlimacAlimac

Where this cat was found:

Hawksmead, Bicester, Oxfordshire

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You can post a message here if you have any information about this pet. The owner will be automatically notified.

Report received on the Animal Finders system.
Report approved by Administrator.
Report distributed to relevant organisations on the Official Alert Network for Bicester.
Report distributed to Local Pet Watch members within a 3 mile radius of last known location.
Hi I heard this cat meowing loudly at the end of the footpath by Turnstone Green on Weds night and called him to see what was up. He is a cat that I see regularly at the other end of the footpath into town near the railway line, he is always very vocal and loves a huge fuss! I was concerned to see him so far away from home and went back about 10 mins later with some cat food and to see if he was okay but couldn't find him so hoped that he had found his way back along the footpath. If he has a home then it may somewhere around the railway line end of the footpath. Having seen him around for the last 3/4 months, I never had the impression he was a stray but thought he looked a bit thin on Weds night. Hope he is returned home soon or finds someone to look after him as he is the most affectionate cat I've ever met! For info I live in Kingfisher Way.
Hi there - thanks for your note.On second look I think it may be a boy! Definitely used to people, extremely affectionate and I would say no more than a year old. I have been feeding him now for 2 days - and this evening found him again crying in a bush in Hawksmead. I know people in Turnstone have seen him asleep on doorsteps. Pretty convinced that a family somewhere is missing him - he really is an adorable family cat and doesn't seem bothered by other cats although I already have 4 and cannot keep a 5th! ;)I will be calling the vets or RSPCA over the weekend - as concerned that he is missing his family or someone is missing him. Definitely not a rough stray and may just be lost.Any help or advice appreciated - he is currently curled up with my daughter for the second night in a row and my cats are not that amused!
I think he may come from around Nuthatch Way somewhere. I always used to see him on the same stretch of footpath where the Community Orchard is. I've just added a note to the posting on Bicester Pets on Facebook. I have 2 cats of my own and although they would quite happily accept an addition to the family, I can't afford to take on another cat at the moment, such a shame as he is totally adorable!
We used to live in Nuthatch before we moved to this side of L.V. One of my cats is black and white and regularly goes back and forth for walks but is quite a "well built/well fed" cat! This one is quite skinny and although it appears to have looked after itself was absolutely starving when I gave him some food. He also just likes to be cuddled and adores people. He is now sitting on my chest whilst I type on the laptop! Thanks for taking an interest in this and for getting back to me - I am so worried and convinced he has a home and if not he deserves such. I can't hang on to him forever though - I am guessing my next move is vets to find out if he is chipped or RSPCA? Very adorable cat.
Thanks also for putting him on the Bicester Pets page - much appreciated. Can't stand the thought of him being lost and out in the cold.
Bless him, yes he's one of the most affectionate cats I've ever met, totally adorable. I talk to all the cats I meet on my walk home and get used to seeing the regular ones. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help. I have 2 Ginger cats and I'm off out now to look for the naughty one who I've been calling for the last 3 hours. Nothing unusual but he loves to go on walkabout too!
Thanks for all your messages and thanks for caring - another cat lover :) Well he just seems so grateful to have some food and affection this evening. He went out again last night and all day today until I heard meowing and spotted him in a bush. I already have 2 boy and 2 girl cats and they are a bit confused which is normal. The only thing I can think of is to contact vets/RSPCA and get him checked for a microchip. I cannot believe he doesn't have a home as he is so very keen on cuddles! I hope your cat comes in for the night!
Hi I rang up today twice and i still cant believe how this cat is the spitting image of mine,but she came home today so I now know she is defo not yours,i really hope his owners are found soon,and hope he has been microchipped. x
@tigerbob - Many thanks for your calls/enquiries - so pleased you found your cat. Still no luck - this one is DEFINITELY a young male cat - not neutered, and not microchipped (had him checked today at the vets). I have tried to put him out on advice of the vets, he hides in the bushes poor thing and have decided that if I get no feed back on this by end of THIS week (23/11) and no one comes forward that I will take to be neutered and vaccinated. I find it hard to believe that if he belongs to someone they haven't had the common sense to have him "done" or even put a collar/microchip the poor boy. I already have 4 loved, neutered cats of my own and it would be totally impractical to have another - so I still hope someone if he has a home comes forward and claims responsibility. If not I will be taking steps to get him re-homed! x
**** Update - report closed, home found ****
Good news, hope he's happy in his new home, such a gorgeous little cat. Have thought about him all week and asked several cat loving colleagues if they wanted to adopt him! I miss seeing him along the footpath but good to know you have found a home for him xx
Hi "Wendiwu"Thanks very much for your message. I have had him for a while, he was very skinny and had fleas, terrible dry skin - I have treated this and kept him in, fed him and shown him lots of T.L.C. You may well still see him around only this time with a collar and knowing he has owners who love and care for him - he is now in the care of relatives! Thanks for all your kind words and support. My eldest cat looks very similar to this one - and often goes to visit my relatives near that area and walks about - but he is quite stocky! All my cats really took to him this last week or so - and he is being neutered, chipped, insured etc next week and will be properly taken care of. Kind regards and thanks again xx
Many thanks for the update, will look out for him, I loved giving him a fuss and having a little 'chat' with him. He seemed okay when I first saw him about 3 months ago so I'm now wondering if his owners moved and left him behind or just decided they didn't want him anymore. Such a shame but so glad his little adventure has a happy ending! Many thanks on behalf of all us cat lovers for taking him in! xx

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