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LOST CAT: Black/White cat called Jimmy - Bradford area, West Yorkshire

Name: Jimmy
Breed & Species: Domestic long-haired cat
Colour: Black/White
Went missing: 6 months ago
(18 August 2024 at around 10:00hrs)
Location: Agar Street, Bradford BD8 9QL, UK
Health: Healthy
Age: 3 years old (approx)
Sex: Male
Collar: No
Microchipped: No
Circumstances: My cat is missing i am heartbroken as i have only just moved to bradford he is not a outdoor cat but has manged to jump out the window near agar street bd8 near west park i would appreciate if anyone could tell me if they have seen him around 18.08.24 around 10pm he has not come home i have tried to call out to him and find him but i cant he is not microchipped not r neutured due to health reasons please help me get my baby home. Reward to anyone who finds my baby safely. Goes by the name jimmy.
Other info: My cat is missing i am heartbroken as i have only just moved to bradford he is not a outdoor cat but has manged to jump out the window near agar street bd8 near west park i would appreciate if anyone could tell me if they have seen him around 18.08.24 around 10pm he has not come home i have tried to call out to him and find him but i cant he is not microchipped not r neutured due to health reasons please help me get my baby home. Reward to anyone who finds my baby safely. Goes by the name jimmy.
Our ref: PR108012
Posted on: 24 August 2024
Posted by: N21671N21671
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Where Jimmy went missing:

Agar Street, Bradford BD8 9QL, UK

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