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FOUND CAT: Tabby (standard issue) cat - Brixton area, Lambeth

This report is now closed.

Please see the comments below for more information.

Name: Unknown
Breed & Species: Unknown cat
Colour: Tabby (standard issue)
Found: 3 months ago
(14 November 2024 at around 21:00hrs)
Location: Loughborough Road, London SW9 7SB, UK
Health: Healthy
Age: 1 year old
Sex: Female
Collar: Purple with bell
Microchipped: No
Markings: Bell
Circumstances: Spotted 5 days ago on top of the bin, very friendly and followed me. Last night I saw her again and she jumped on my shoulder and refused to get down. After knocking on the door of the nearest house with no reply we took her to the vet who confirmed she wasn't microchiped. She was ravenous and very skinny
Other info: Skinny adolescent with bell and purple collar
Our ref: PR110192
Posted on: 15 November 2024
Posted by: ConnorjoyceConnorjoyce

Where this cat was found:

Loughborough Road, London SW9 7SB, UK

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Found pet report received on Pets Reunited.
Report approved by Administrator.
'Found Pet' poster created
Report added to PetWatch™ alert dispatch queue.
Report added to alert dispatch queue for local Vets and Rescue Centres around Brixton, Lambeth, Greater London.
Report dispatched via email to local Vets and Rescue Centres.
Report dispatched via email to our local PetWatch alert subscribers.
Thank you for looking after this poor little cat. You could also post to ( get advice from/search websites if applicable) & PET DETECTIVE TIPS- they also have a cat-finding dog for hire These websites are much easier to search than Nextdoor. https://www.pawboost.com/?utm_source=nextdoor&utm_campaign=nd_report_pet - THERE IS A FREE OPTION ON OFFER, DON'T GET SUCKED INTO PAYING Alert Rescue Squad, Free Facebook Posts, Add to Lost & Found, Print Missing Cat Flyer, Notify App Users - THERE IS A FREE OPTION ON OFFER, DON'T GET SUCKED INTO PAYING https://www.petradar.org/en/start - has a free search option - THERE IS A FREE OPTION ON OFFER SO DON'T GET SUCKED INTO PAYING https://www.petradar.org/en/articles/how-to-find-a-lost-cat-in-5-simple-steps - How it works: They post Facebook and Instagram ads, your pet's sponsored post will appear on the feed of 4000+ people in your area.You'll receive immediate notifications for every new reaction or sighting, and you can view them all in your personal dashboard. https://www.petsreunited.com/ - which is easy and FREE - MORE TRANSPARENT - DOESN'T TRY TO SUCK YOU INTO PAYING LIKE PAWBOOST AND PET-TRADER However, if you choose the £4.99 which includes 50 colour posters sent to you. https://catlost.com/ https://www.doxdirect.com/help/free-missing-pet-posters/ - 50 FREE POSTERS http://www.petsbureau.co.uk www.animalsearchuk.co.uk/ www.lost-cat.org www.lostmycat.org http://www.amissingpet.co.uk/ www.cat-finder.co.uk https://nationalpetregister.org/ https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61563435027488&mibextid=LQQJ4d - Lost pet investigators - We have all the required equipment to help track down your missing pet,if you had a lost pet you can reach out to us immediately https://www.facebook.com/groups/1168090080306976/?locale=en_GB lost and found cats around London - or similar for your area https://www.facebook.com/groups/819460064836746 LONDON CATS UK LOST FOUND STOLEN https://nextdoor.co.uk/ Cat Lovers https://nextdoor.co.uk/g/n6xat6dvl/ Cat Lovers No Drama https://nextdoor.co.uk/g/7hmr0cj6o/ Cat Sightings - this is probably the most relevant. https://nextdoor.co.uk/g/zexz6grgn There are more listed here: https://nextdoor.co.uk/groups/?search=Cat%20Lovers%20 PET DETECTIVE - they also have a cat-finding dog for hire https://thepetdetectives.com/about_us.php#:~:text=The UKPD United Kingdom Pet, cats, dogs and other animals.
If you can't keep little cutey, here are some REHOMING CHARITIES https://www.catchat.org/index.php  - HAS A COMPREHENSIVE LIST OF RESCUES adch.org.uk ;, is a registered charity with a list of rehoming sites, that will ensure kitties go to a loving home and vet all respective applicants https://steppingstonesrescue.org/ adch.org.uk ;, is a registered charity with a list of rehoming sites, that will ensure kitties go to a loving home and vet all respective applicants  the scratching post in Waltham Abbey Mama Cat Animal Rescue cats & foxes: https://mamacat.co.uk/about/ - Email at: mamacattrust@googlemail.com or https://www.celiahammond.org/ Cat Cuddles they will be able to rehome her safely. https://www.catcuddles.org.uk/contact  https://themayhew.org/ http://protectedpaws.co.ukThis rescue always goes above and beyond for every animal - Rose Lewis•West Putneystated: 'I've fostered cats for them that have gone on to a whole range of homes including with existing cat, young families, existing dogs and solo cat homes. All of the cats I've fostered are thriving in their new homes and they have a network for adopters to ask questions and get support if needed' https://www.cats.org.uk/ https://www.foalfarm.org.uk/ https://www.london-inner-city-kitties.org/ https://www.bluecross.org.uk/ Check out catchat.org for Rescues local to you. https://animalrescueandcare.org.uk/ https://adoptable.co.uk/adopt/pet-rescue/rc57-wanderers-haven-animal-sanctuary-upminster/ https://www.alleycatsrescue.co.uk/  Link below to 'Kerry Flynn - Lower Belgravia - page' She always posts cats that need homes and updates about the cats in their care - Please click and scroll down for posts: https://nextdoor.co.uk/profile/02gqQbyYYCcgRDj4r/?init_source=search&is=search&query=Kerry%20Flynn
This little cat has been outside that house on and off for at least 6 weeks (when I moved into the area). Originally there were 3 of them - also a full black cat, and a white and tabby; all with the same style collar and about the same age. I usually see her in an evening, but never during the day or late at night. Pretty sure she lives in one of the houses nearby.
Thank you, we've put up posters in the area and through the doors of the nearby houses so are hoping that an owner comes forward.
Report closed by Connorjoyce with an outcome of: Adopted by me

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