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LOST CAT: Black and white cat called Spike - Camberwell area, Southwark

Name: Spike
Breed & Species: Unknown cat
Colour: Black and white
Went missing: 3 months ago
(24 November 2024 at around 10:00hrs)
Location: 32 Radnor Road, London SE15 6UR, UK
Health: Healthy
Age: 2 years old (approx)
Sex: Male
Collar: No
Microchipped: No
Markings: Above looks whole black and below have whole white part. His chin looks like beard which is a black patch
Circumstances: I went to see my friends who was staying in AIRBNB. And when my cab arrived, i hold his basket and walked near to the cab and the basket door got opened and he jumped and he got scared as he was never been outside. He likes to roam around the house. Once he jumped, he started running through the whole place.And he got in between the tires of the cab which i booked. I felt as if he is stuck. I stayed under the car holding for 2 hours. I found he got stuck between a wire. Somehow i managed to get him out of it. As he moved down he moved to the next car. I waited along time, i tried food his toys but i couldn’t see him come out of there. Sadly i had to leave the place. I went there when ever possible. I displayed posters. No sign of him. I am worried about my little boy. Not knowing how he is feeling and not knowing if he is safe. I don’t know anyone in the area. I trying my best to find him.
Our ref: PR110528
Posted on: 30 November 2024
Posted by: FlaminJohnFlaminJohn
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Where Spike went missing:

32 Radnor Road, London SE15 6UR, UK

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