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STOLEN CAT: Greenish cat called Bob - Driffield area, East Riding of Yorkshire


Name: Bob
Breed & Species: Unknown cat
Colour: Greenish
Went missing: 3 years ago
(24 May 2021 at around 13:00hrs)
Location: Southfield Close, Driffield YO25 5YN, UK
Health: Healthy
Age: 6 years old (approx)
Sex: Neutered Male
Collar: No
Microchipped: Yes
Circumstances: Bob does not like going outside except to visit our rabbits and when he has had enough after about half an hour he will come to the front window to be let back in. I was doing some work in my garage and I never saw him again. On Thursday a conversation with out neighbour she stated she saw 2 girls/young women in a car stop and pick up a cat and drive off. She did not think much of it at the time as it did not look that suspicious to her and she recalls little details. I don't expect to find Bob again unless he is flagged at a vets as he is microchipped, but I am posting this as a warning to others and if you are the ones who stole my cat reading this I suggest he is returned ASAP. Do you realise the hurt you are causing to a 10 year old girl.
Other info: Has some Bengal in him and is small for a fully grown cat
Our ref: PR73831
Posted on: 28 May 2021
Posted by: Tim1Tim1
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Where Bob was stolen:

Southfield Close, Driffield YO25 5YN, UK

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