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Addington Court, Horseguards, Exeter EX4 4UY, UK
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Brown Spotted Bengal cat
Longbrook Street, Exeter EX4 6AU, UK
Black cat
Rowe House, St German's Rd, Exeter EX4 6TJ, UK
Blue Other bird
Sidwell Street, Exeter, UK
Yellow parrot
Bury Meadow Park, New North Road, St Davids, Exeter, UK
Orange white cat
Tabby and white cat
Exeter EX4 6PL, UK
Tortoishell Domestic short-haired cat
Exeter College, Hele Road, Exeter, UK
Princesshay, Exeter EX1 1GE, UK
Tabby Domestic short-haired cat
Richmond Road, Exeter EX4 4JA, UK