Please see the comments below for more information.
Enbrook Valley, Folkestone CT20 3NE, UK
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Grey/White Domestic short-haired cat
Brambley Crescent, Folkestone CT20 3PU, UK
White and Black Domestic short-haired cat
Meadowbrook, Sandgate, Folkestone CT20 3NY, UK
Tan and White Jack Russell Terrier dog
Folkestone CT20, UK
Ginger Domestic short-haired cat
Sandgate Road, Folkestone, UK
Grey shaded Domestic short-haired cat
Richmond Street, Folkestone CT19 4JB, UK
Folkestone CT19 4FA, UK
All black cat
Grimston Avenue, Folkestone CT20 2QE, UK
Black Domestic short-haired cat
Samian Crescent, Folkestone CT19 4JW, UK
Grey cat
Pine Way, Folkestone CT19 4QL, UK