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Alandale Grove, Garforth, Leeds LS25 1DJ, UK
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Black and white Domestic short-haired cat
Oak Grove, Garforth, Leeds LS25 1PP, UK
Black cat
Black/White Domestic long-haired cat
The Oval, Garforth, Leeds LS25 2EX, UK
Grey and white cat
Thorpe Park Leeds, Thorpe Park Approach, Leeds, Regno Unito
Lime green & bits of red parrot
Woodlands Drive, Garforth, Leeds LS25 2JW, UK
Tabby Domestic short-haired cat
Mead Grove, Leeds LS15 9JS, UK
Lime Green Parakeet parrot
Ashley Park Mews, Garforth, Leeds LS25 2PL, UK
White rabbit
Garforth, Leeds, UK
Tabby and white British Shorthair cat
Tenterden Way, Leeds LS15 8XJ, UK