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LOST CAT: Ginger cat called Ginseng - Halifax area, West Yorkshire


Name: Ginseng
Breed & Species: Domestic long-haired cat
Colour: Ginger
Went missing: 2 years ago
(12 July 2022 at around 22:00hrs)
Location: The Rise, Halifax HX3 7HQ, UK
Health: Healthy
Age: 11 years old (approx)
Sex: Neutered Male
Collar: No
Microchipped: Yes
Markings: few freckes on pink nose and mouth
Circumstances: He just popped out through the automated cat flap as he normally does at this time. The weather was really warm so he liked being outside at night to keep cool. He normally comes back in the morning like clockwork for his breakfast
Other info: Ginseng is ginger longhaired male cat he is very vocal and responds to his name when called and has always returned home when he has been out, never missing, though he is an outdoor cat. He has a loud purr and likes to roll around on the floor
Our ref: PR88010
Posted on: 03 August 2022
Posted by: Halifax1812Halifax1812
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Where Ginseng went missing:

The Rise, Halifax HX3 7HQ, UK

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Missing pet report received on Pets Reunited.
Report approved by Administrator.
We still have had no definate positive signs of Ginseng. We have put adverts in the Brighouse Echo, Halifax Evening courier and Grapevine a magazine delivered in Northowram, Shelf and Hipperholme. We have posters up on lamposts and have delivered posters to businesses in the above locations. We are now thinking he may have got in a car and travelled further affield so are looking at West Yorksire. Although he is approachable on his home territory when we first got him from a rescue he hid under the bed for weeks so he may have reverted to hiding if he is now in an area he doesnt know.
Still have not had any positive sightings. We beleive someone has taken him and are keeping him inside so that he can't return home. If you see a cat who looks like him please take to the vet who will scan the cat for free and missing pet owners can be reunited with their loved ones. Please contact us if your neighbour has recently taken in a cat who looks like him. We just want him home as love him very much.
I believe I may be caring for your cat here in Featherstone South Staffs. He appeared about 4 weeks ago looking for four ge us always hungry although I give him Iams 3 times a day and have made a bed for him in my garage as I gave a small female sho is a bit scared of him. He is very vocal telling me he wants his food he loves to come in the lounge and play with her toys and he rolls over on his back. He is a gorgeous cat and the local rescue Kats Cradle in Covenck came and he has a chip. If you think it has your cat can you let her have the number of the chip to confirm. I would love to see him back home he is about the same age as my cat she is 9 and he is heavyy,
Ginseng has still not appeared and no sightings of him. Other contacts have been made about similar cats unfortunately not him. We believe someone close to home has taken him in and keeping him as an indoor cat, or he could have travelled if your neighbour got a new cat in July last year who looks like him please report this bacck to us so we can arrange to get his chip scanned.

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