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Icklesham, Winchelsea TN36 4AN, UK
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Calico/tortoiseshell (black/ginger/white) British Shorthair cat
Broad Oak, Rye TN31 6BX, UK
Black and white Pigeon bird
Ore, Hastings, UK
Cream and brown cat
The Link, Rye TN31 7BT, UK
Cream Chihuahua (long coat) dog
Athelstan Road, Hastings TN35 5JE, UK
Black cat
School Road, Hastings, UK
Black and white Collie (Smooth) dog
Hastings TN35 5DX, UK
fluffy Ginger cat
Chiltern Drive, Hastings TN34 3PY, UK
white with brown/black marking rabbit
Edmund Road, Hastings TN35 5LE, UK
Black Domestic short-haired cat
Chiltern Drive, Hastings, UK