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Near Stoke Row, Oxfordshire RG9 5RA
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Tan Jack Russell Terrier dog
Henley-on-Thames RG9 5TT, United Kingdom
Black/white Border Collie dog
Homer Farm, Nuffield/Stoke Row area, nr Wallingford, Oxon, OX10 6
Grey and white bit point Siamese cat
Peppard Common RG9 5LT, United Kingdom
Tan Border Terrier dog
Rotherfield Greys, Henley-on-Thames RG9 4QZ, UK
Brown Spotted Bengal cat
Woodcote, Reading RG8 0RB, UK
Snow Bengal cat
Horsepond Road, Gallowstree Common, Oxfordshire RG4 9DG, UK
Tabby Moggy (short haired) cat
Greenmore, Woodcote, Oxfordshire RG8 0, UK
Black and white cat
Mowforth Close, Woodcote, Reading RG8 0QN, UK
Black and Tan Yorkshire Terrier dog
Horsepond Road, Gallowstree Common, Reading, UK