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FOUND CAT: Mainly black with white marks cat - Hexham area, Northumberland

Name: Unknown
Breed & Species: Unknown cat
Colour: Mainly black with white marks
Found: 9 months ago
(09 June 2024 at around 22:00hrs)
Location: A69, Haydon Bridge, Hexham, UK
Health: Healthy
Age: 6 years old (approx)
Sex: Unknown
Collar: No
Microchipped: Not sure
Markings: White fur on chest and possibly ears
Circumstances: We were driving home and we drove past the cat on the A69 motorway. We wanted to help the cat and take it from the dangerous road side and we were planning to take it home for the night to then make a plan for him the following day. He looked healthy but we only saw him for a moment so we wouldn’t know for sure.
Other info: We spotted a mainly black cat with white marks on it on the side of the A69 motorway between Hexham and Corbridge on the way to Newcastle. We drove past the cat so we took a loop back around to see if we could stop in the same part of the road to help him. The area we stopped was just passed a lay-by after a roundabout maybe two miles along. The cat seemed well but spooked. It looked around 3-5 years old and they looked healthy. When we tried to get the cat, he ran down from the side of the road down the grass bank into a woodland area that has a fence running down the side of it. We weren’t able to retrieve the cat as planned but we do hope that him running in this direction meant he would stay off the side of the dangerous motorway. Sorry the description isn’t great but we didn’t get much of a chance to look at the cat. I really hope this helps someone if they are a missing pet or that someone else finds them and picks them up!
Our ref: PR105528
Posted on: 10 June 2024
Posted by: maddiegracesalmonmaddiegracesalmon
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Where this cat was found:

A69, Haydon Bridge, Hexham, UK

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Hi. how much white was on the chest?

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