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LOST CAT: black cat [name withheld] - Ipswich area, Suffolk

This report is now closed.

Please see the comments below for more information.

Name: [Name Withheld]
Breed & Species: Unknown cat
Colour: black
Went missing: 6 years ago
(25 August 2018 at around 09:00hrs)
Location: Pauline Street, Ipswich IP2 8DL, UK
Health: Healthy
Age: 13 years old (approx)
Sex: Neutered Male
Collar: Cream speckled
Microchipped: Yes
Markings: none
Circumstances: Scared off by a bigger Black stray cat that has been coming to eat Winstons food. Winston started hiding when the other cat appeared. It would chase Winston and Winston would ran into the house. It didn't stop the other cat coming right in the house even getting me scared. Most of the time if Winston didn't come out of hiding quickly to come in and eat his food the other one would and stand at the gate looking towards the house while he licks his mouth. Since Winston left I have done everything keep his toys out and his fav treats but the other cat eats everything. He is almost always at the gate when I open the kitchen door hoping Winston will walk in!!! We with my neighbours believe he hasn't gone far but as long as the other cat is around, I don't know how Winston can come back.
Other info: a rather pointed little face
Our ref: PR43069
Posted on: 07 October 2018
Posted by: phelirephelire

Where this cat went missing:

Pauline Street, Ipswich IP2 8DL, UK

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Missing pet report received on Pets Reunited.
Report is now online.
Report added to PetWatch™ alert dispatch queue.
Report added to alert dispatch queue for local Vets and Rescue Centres around Ipswich, Suffolk.
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Report dispatched via email to local Vets and Rescue Centres.
Report dispatched via email to our local PetWatch alert subscribers.
I had a call from the RSPCA, Martlesham, at 11.00 this morning Monday checking if I had lost a cat. I said I had from August. They told me they had him and I said I would go and get him straight away. When I got there I was informed someone had taken him in but did not get on with their cat(s) and after almost 4 months brought him to the RSPCA. He is microchipped and was safely traced back to me as the owner. Due to data protection the RSPCA couldn't disclose who had taken in Winston as if a stray even though he had a collar. I am just pleased they took him to the centre to find the owner. Its a best Christmas present ever!! I had wished and prayed he would somehow reappear before Christmas and the call this morning was answer to my prayer. I was reunited with Winston. He is in good health and after 4 months I am glad and relieved to say he has settled back in nicely. After looking around for less than half an hour he settled in his basket and had something to eat and looks really content. We can now close the report. Thank you for all your help.
Report closed by phelire with an outcome of: Safely back home

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