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LOST CAT: Black cat called Luna - Leeds area, West Yorkshire

This report is now closed.

Please see the comments below for more information.

Name: Luna
Breed & Species: Domestic short-haired cat
Colour: Black
Went missing: 2 years ago
(03 August 2022 at around 23:00hrs)
Location: Spencer Place, Leeds LS7 4DX, UK
Health: Healthy
Age: 7 years old
Sex: Spayed Female
Collar: Pink reflective collar with bell
Microchipped: No
Markings: White patch of fur under neck area
Circumstances: Luna must have slipped out through one of the doors and wandered off without us knowing. She usually is adventurous but comes home and doesn’t go past the garden. She is timid and can get scared so runs off after hearing loud noises. She is also such a good girl and listens well to everyone. She goes by the name KALU OR LUNA. She is wearing a pink bob martin flea and tick reflective collar with a bell, she is chipped and neutered. Please help us find our baby girl we are so distressed as we can’t find her now.
Other info: Yellow eyes
Our ref: PR88623
Posted on: 21 August 2022
Posted by: mariabegum99mariabegum99

Where Luna went missing:

Spencer Place, Leeds LS7 4DX, UK

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Missing pet report received on Pets Reunited.
Report approved by Administrator.
Luna was outside under a car when I left the house for a phone call, called her multiple times and she came straight to my arms and has been home ever since. All well and checked up by vets
Report closed by mariabegum99 with an outcome of: Safely back home

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