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FOUND CAT: Black cat - Mansfield Woodhouse area, Nottinghamshire

Name: Unknown
Breed & Species: Domestic short-haired cat
Colour: Black
Found: 3 years ago
(20 February 2022 at around 00:00hrs)
Location: St Edmund's Ave, Mansfield Woodhouse, Mansfield, UK
Health: Healthy
Sex: Unknown
Collar: No
Microchipped: Not sure
Markings: Has flecks of grey and a white /fleck dot on his face
Circumstances: I saw this cat a while ago (6 months to a year) then it disappeared just as I was going to report it, it has now turned up again, it doesn't seem to belong to anyone, it has started begging for food, I have other cats, who are very hostile towards it, and fear they will fight with it. If this is anyone's cat within the area can they please let me know, if I don't hear anything I will try and get it to a cat rescue as it really needs rehoming as it seems to have been a stray for sometime. It needs looking after properly, and some TLC. It asks whether the cat is healthy, it's not healthy but is managing to survive the cold weather at the moment.
Other info: Quite a few scars near his ear, has its winter coat at the moment but looks like it's been quite thin previously,
Our ref: PR82808
Posted on: 20 February 2022
Posted by: chance2308chance2308
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Where this cat was found:

St Edmund's Ave, Mansfield Woodhouse, Mansfield, UK

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Found pet report received on Pets Reunited.
Report approved by Administrator.
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Report added to PetWatch™ alert dispatch queue.
Report added to alert dispatch queue for local Vets and Rescue Centres around Mansfield Woodhouse, Nottinghamshire.
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shared to local facebook groups - are you able to paper collar this puss or take it to a vet for a chip check?
Is this cat male or female? Looks similar to my female that's gone missing. She is chipped. Has this cat been checked for a chip?
Hi this looks like our missing boy luna who went missing from ladybrook estate Mansfield in June last year. We had recently moved from Langwith and have always suspected he was trying to find his way back to Langwith so the area also ties in with him disappearing. He is neutered and chipped and he has been reported as missing with the chip company. If you can try to lure himso he can be taken to vets to be checked for chip please x
Can anyone confirm if this cat is male? It says unknown but then called 'he' has anyone tried checking for a chip?
I’m quite certain he is male
Hi, I’m going to try and lure the cat Into a cat box and take him to the vets, to see if it has a chip, I’m really not sure if it’s male or female, I’ll do my best to do this over the next few days, and will post the outcome on here as soon as I know. Is there any other distinguishing marks I can look for which it may have ?
When luna went missing he was wearing a light blue check collar but this was a safety collar so may have been lost. He has a very small patch /flecks of white under chin area. He is 4 years old. If he is checked via a vet for a chip the scan will show him as female as the vets made an error when they sent the paperwork off and the sex could not be changed on the system.
Unfortunately it won't allow me to add a photo on here of luna
Hi Lunaisstillmisding, can you post a photo to my email address it’s, nlissa75@gmail.com This will help clarify recognition of the cat, I didn’t see him yesterday at all, but when I do I will try and catch him and get him to the vets,
Emailed you a couple of photos. I've had a couple of really hopeful leads as well as a lot of unhopeful ones but this cat is the spitting image of luna 🤞
This black cat looks like one that has been coming to my house for the last five years but he only gets fed outside. He did come in once but panicked when he couldn't get back out. I think he is a feral cat and he has a bad tail and side due to fighting or fleas. I keep saying it is a tomcat but I have no idea. t
Hi, I’m Natalie, who has reported this cat, I live on St Edmunds Ave, Mansfield Woodhouse, do you live nearby , ? And think this might be the same cat that is coming round here? I’m quite sure he is male. Is he quite timid with yourselves when you give him food, I’m just wondering if it’s the same cat, ? Thanks
Hi, You asked me if I live nearby to you, well I am not too far away, I live on Castleton Close in a bungalow at the back and I have just seen the black cat and fed it. Also when he started coming here he ( I think) he would come in but he wouldn't let me pick him up so I never tried to put him in a cat basket. He just sits quietly at the back door. He started coming here when I had a kitten who made friends with it but sadly the cat died last year and since then the cat only calls now and again.
Is there any update on this cat please? Many thanks
Hi, I’d not seen him for a three days or so, but yesterday he turned up, I work during the day, so hard to gauge when he actually comes round ( he is Male) yesterday he came round about 8pm , he meaows lots near my living room window, he did sit near the back door after I fed him, but as soon as I start to go near him he just heads off. Can I asked the person who stated they have been feeding one similiar for the last five years if they live near St Edmunds Avenue, Mansfield Woodhouse?
Continue, he had actually turned up twice tonight, earlier in, then ten minutes ago, I’m still having difficulties catching him, but I’m happy to contact anyone who thinks he’s theirs, to let them know he’s around, and hold off giving him some food, if they swiftly wanted me ti call them when I hear him, if their able to swiftly come round and see if he is theirs, please, just let me know, Thanks Natalie

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