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LOST CAT: Black and white cat called Nova - Nuneaton area, Warwickshire

Name: Nova
Breed & Species: Domestic short-haired cat
Colour: Black and white
Went missing: over a year ago
(12 July 2023 at around 21:00hrs)
Location: Meldrum Road, Nuneaton CV10 8HS, UK
Health: Healthy
Age: 8 years old (approx)
Sex: Spayed Female
Collar: No
Microchipped: No
Markings: She has no tail. She's white with black on her back and side and the top of her head.
Circumstances: My cat, Nova, has gone missing. She managed to jump out of the window of my flat at about 9.30pm on Wednesday night. I went down to try and get her but she ran over Haunchwood Road, and climbed over the fence at the Stockingford Community Centre and into the bushes. It backs right onto Whittleford Park and she could have gone anywhere. I've not seen her since. I've searched and searched and searched. I have been miles, all over the place but have had no luck. She's an indoor cat and not used to being outside and doesn't know the area. I'm worried sick! Any sightings of a white & black cat without a tail, please let me know! Nuneaton CV10 - Haunchwood, Stockingford, Whittleford Park, and the Whittleford area. I would appreciate it if you could share this post too. Thanks so much!
Other info: Hi. Please help if you can! My cat, Nova, has gone missing. She managed to jump out of the window of my flat at about 9.30pm on Wednesday night (12/07/2023). I went down to try and get her but she ran over Haunchwood Road, and climbed over the fence at the Stockingford Community Centre and into the bushes. It backs right onto Whittleford Park and she could have gone anywhere. I've not seen her since. I've searched and searched and searched. I have been miles, all over the place but have had no luck. She's an indoor cat and not used to being outside and doesn't know the area. I'm worried sick! Any sightings of a white & black cat without a tail, please let me know! Nuneaton, Warwickshire CV10. She has no collar and isn't microchipped. Haunchwood, Stockingford, Whittleford Park, and the Whittleford area. Thanks so much!
Our ref: PR96596
Posted on: 16 July 2023
Posted by: DeanSidDeanSid
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Where Nova went missing:

Meldrum Road, Nuneaton CV10 8HS, UK

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