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LOST CAT: White and black cat called Alan - Oldham area, Greater Manchester

Name: Alan
Breed & Species: Unknown cat
Colour: White and black
Went missing: 2 years ago
(12 August 2022 at around 18:00hrs)
Location: Vale Drive, Oldham OL9 6TH, UK
Health: Healthy
Age: 7 years old
Sex: Male
Collar: No
Microchipped: Yes
Markings: Markings like a cow. Black around ears and eyes white nose black spot on chest
Circumstances: Went outside did not return home. He always comes back stays out a while as he gets up to mischief, loves playing in dirt and meeting people on the street
Our ref: PR88639
Posted on: 21 August 2022
Posted by: Chloehardman3Chloehardman3
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Where Alan went missing:

Vale Drive, Oldham OL9 6TH, UK

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Missing pet report received on Pets Reunited.
Missing since Saturday 😭 This is our Alan he has not been home since Friday night on the west street estate area you may have seen him and thought he was a stray he had no collar on and without a doubt would have been filthy ( he just loves being dirty!) he is also a people lover he will throw himself on the floor and roll around waiting for a stroke and a treat of course so again this will make you love him more if you have found him and taken him home or have seen him can you please message me he is chipped and neutered we are all missing him and driving ourselves mad why he isn’t home Gone almost a week now. Please let us know if you’ve seen him or even if you have him. He gets up to mischief so will appear dirty like he’s been homeless for a long time but that’s just because he’s best friend with mud. He also the sweetest of boys so will be friendly and approachable. It would be easy to think he’s homeless due to his scruffy appearance and sweet nature. But he has a home and we all miss him very much. A year ago we took Moo Cat off the street are he was being beat up by Sid the local bully. We knew straight away this cat was ours the second he came running for fish. He spent (almost) 14 days in isolation in a cage in the front room due to cat flu and the only time he kicked off about it was when he needed to pee because litter trays were so strange to him. He needed us and now we need him to come home. It isn’t the same, not hearing him screaming at the window to be let in only to stare at you then roll about instead of coming in. Please please if you see him let us know. We all miss him very much. 😳🥺😭
Report approved by Administrator.

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