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STOLEN DOG: Silver, grey, white, dark grey, no colours Lurcher dog called Silver - Oxford area, Oxfordshire

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Please see the comments below for more information.

Name: Silver
Breed & Species: Lurcher dog
Colour: Silver, grey, white, dark grey, no colours
Went missing: 11 years ago
(30 November 2013 at around 16:00hrs)
Location: Abingdon Road, Oxford, adj Whitehouse Road, Oxford, Oxfordshire OX1, UK
Health: Healthy
Age: 10 years old (approx)
Sex: Female
Collar: No
Microchipped: No
Markings: no scars. Her colouring is unusual in that she has every possible shade of grey on her but absolutely no colour whatsoever.
Circumstances: Silver was in our back garden when a stocky man in his mid twenties appeared from nowhere and was suddenly in our garden. He asked if the dog belonged to us in a broad Irish accent, the sort you would hear in Dublin. When my wife went out to make sure he was gone she noticed that Silver had gone too.
Our ref: PR31468
Posted on: 01 December 2013
Posted by: OxfordMartinOxfordMartin

Where Silver was stolen:

Abingdon Road, Oxford, adj Whitehouse Road, Oxford, Oxfordshire OX1, UK

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Report received on the Animal Finders system.
Report approved by Administrator.
Report distributed to all Local Pet Watch members within a 50 mile radius of last known location.
Report distributed to relevant organisations on the Official Alert Network for Oxford.
I am so so sorry to hear that your beautiful dog has been stolen. I live in Banbury so I can't help I don't think, but it seems likely she was stolen to sell. There is a website called Preloved...which is actually a brilliant website, but you can advertise anything for sale, including pets. It may be worth doing a search for a lurcher and see what comes up. (if your location is requested, I would change it so as not to alert anyone)I imagine the vast majority of adverts are genuine, but I don't think checks are made so it would be easy to sell a dog. I have just looked now and she is not for sale on it, but it may be worth checking. I so hope you find her. Kind regards Moira
I do hope that you find Silver soon. Unfortunately I am in Bicester so unable to help with your search .My hopes and prayers are with you.
This theft is awful! My heart breaks for you. Just terrible. I live in Cherwell Heights and regularly walk into town. I will certainly keep a look out for Silver.
Thanks KInd Lady, LIvely and Jakes Mum,Thanks for all of your messages (I did send a response earlier but had been logged out!), they mean a great deal to us.I have since discoverd that Silver may be in the Banbury area around the Gypsie camp. A lady whose father's cocker spaniel was stolen the same day by a man fitting the description of the one who stol Silver from our back garden, contacted me saying her dog ended up there and was found on the A34.We're still hoping she may be in the Banbury area.Many thanks again,Martin, Sheryl and Jerrid.
Hi Martin Sheryl and JerridHave you called the police? I'm not sure if their community police service could help but I would kick up a huge fuss if they can't. I can't bear to think of beautiful Silver being in their hands. Please do contact me if I can help in any way. I genuinely can imagine how utterly terrible you must be feeling. I desperately hope that there is a happy ending for you and also for Silver. Thinking of you. Moira
I heard about the black Spaniel via facebook . If you share this as wide as possible via facebook it does make them to 'hot' to keep hold of . I hope you get her back asap
I have now shared this ad on facebook . Hope it helps . She does look similar to a young Husky in the photo
I would certainly call the Police on this if you haven't already. Also, are their any CCTV (shop or street) cameras close by that the thief may have been videoed on?If so, time is of the essence and you need to get those pictures so that the Police can do something about it. The Thief may already be known to them.Alert your local council dog warden and a couple of local vets too I suggest if you haven't in case your dog turns up roaming around somewhere.Good Luck.
Iposted this on an animal site I go on and someone replied with this " I saw a simaler looking dog this morning cant be sure if this is the same dog but it was on its own around 8.05 .it was opposite the Redbridge park and ride there's a field with horse's in it next to that are some houses or flats it was there. Same sort of colours but I was waiting at the traffic lights so cant be sure" apparently there are two gypsy sites near there, This has been shared multiple times from my share so I wish you all the best with finding her. She is hot now in the Oxfordshire area so hopefully will turn up
I am so sorry to hear how our dog was stolen. The thing is to keep the search country-wide, not just Oxfordshire, she could easily have been moved out of the area. Contact dog walking and dog training places, as there will be people there who are out and about all over the place with their dogs who can keep their eyes open for your dog. Keep checking dogs for sale on things like Gumtree in all areas, and get the police involved if you think she might be on a gypsy camp. Good luck and I really hope you find her.
Make sure that you also register her on Doglost., it too has hundreds of members that will gladly share her photo. I have shared this on my Facebook page and will also put it up on my sighthound rescue page and get them to share. She needs to made too hot to handle! Call the police on 101 and report her stolen, they will then put an email out to all local farmers, land owners etc. even if the police can't do anything, she is noted so that if she's found by someone and they phone her in, they will know.
To Kimbab, Gila, serinne, Gary, meemee, Jake'smum, kindlady and Livey,I would like say a big and heartfelt thanks from all of us to all of you for your help and support.I'm very pleased to say that the council dog warden returned Silver safely to us earlier this evening. She is a lot thinner and a little quiet after her initial 'loopy time' when she first came home. It does indeed look as though she slipped her lead in the joyful company of the ‘Redbridge Lot', whose neglectful lack of feeding probably enabled her to escape. The local Gypsies may be resourceful thieves, but they are not clever ones - let's be thankful for a limited gene pool!May I wish everyone here a very excellent Christmas once we eventually get there!With warmest regards from, Sheryl, Me, Jerrid and Silver.
Martin, I am utterly, utterly overjoyed !!!! I couldn't stop thinking about what Silver may have been going through and I am SO happy that you have her back. I think that you will all have a VERY happy Christmas now. Give her a hug from me!Thank you so much for letting us know.From a very happy Moira!
Fantastic news!!!!! So happy for you all. Extra cuddles for Silver !! xx
Absolutely chuffed to bits for you!! Great news, thanks for letting us know x Have a great Christmas xxx
Such wonderful news - tears in eyes as I write this. Big hugs to Silver who has so many virtual aunts and uncles. We lost one of our dogs for several months so I knew how hard it is. Have a great Christmas all to together ??
I am so very pleased you got Silver back. What a fantastic result! It's a lesson to us all, and so sad that you can't even leave your dog in your own garden these days. I always have my animals microchipped, since my cat got to a village the other side of Banbury from Kidlington 'on his own' and I got him back due to the microchip.Have a lovely Christmas
NickCarpenter - PetsReunited
NickCarpenter - PetsReunited
Nice to see a happy ending!
Report closed by NickC (Animal Finders).

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