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Victoria Road, Port Talbot SA12 6QQ, UK
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Black Domestic short-haired cat
Clos Coed Arian, Port Talbot SA12 6RX, UK
Black and white Domestic short-haired cat
Dunraven Street, Port Talbot SA12 6EG, UK
Tortoishell Domestic short-haired cat
Gladys Street, Aberavon, Port Talbot SA12 6ES, UK
White and ginger cat
Seaward Avenue, Port Talbot SA12 7LT, UK
black and white cat
John Street, Port Talbot, UK
Blue Budgerigar parrot
Viola Road, Port Talbot SA12 7HF, UK
Peach faced Lovebird bird
Black/White Domestic long-haired cat
Southville Road, Port Talbot SA12 7DS, UK