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Kirk Edge Road, High Bradfield, Sheffield S6 6LJ, UK
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Grey shaded Domestic short-haired cat
Sheffield, UK
White Domestic long-haired cat
Sheffield S6, UK
Black Domestic short-haired cat
Poplar Avenue, Stocksbridge, Sheffield S36 1GP, UK
green Budgerigar parrot
Webb Avenue, Deepcar, Sheffield S36 2SX, UK
White and black cat
Sheffield S35, UK
Black and white Domestic short-haired cat
Eastwood, Sheffield S6 1TU, UK
Tabby and white Domestic long-haired cat
Coronation Road, Stocksbridge, Sheffield S36 1AX, UK
Red American Staffordshire Terrier dog
Manchester Road, Deepcar, Sheffield S36 2RF, UK
Black/White Cross Breed dog
Sheffield S6 6GB, UK