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FOUND CAT: Black and White cat - South Shields area, Tyne and Wear

Name: Unknown
Breed & Species: Unknown cat
Colour: Black and White
Found: over a year ago
(22 January 2024 at around 00:00hrs)
Location: Marsden, South Shields, UK
Health: Healthy
Sex: Unknown
Collar: No
Microchipped: No
Markings: Missing tail
Circumstances: This poor kitty has been hanging around the house with our cat, crying often. Managed to coax the kitty into the house with food during very bad weather. He/she is hiding, will not engage with us. We have tried hard not to cause any distress. The kitty has not hissed or spat at us, but is terrified. The vet thinks the cat is possibly a trap and release cat.
Our ref: PR102349
Posted on: 25 January 2024
Posted by: AldieAldie
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Marsden, South Shields, UK

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Found pet report received on Pets Reunited.
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Update: kitty now known to be male and has not been neutered. We took him to the vet for a health check up and to have him screened for FIV (results not yet known). He has been wormed, treated for fleas and had a tick removed. He’s getting a little braver. He’s eating well and litter trained. He meows a lot. Poor kitty likely doesn’t understand why he’s being held captive in our house. Here’s hoping we find his family.
I don’t think this has an owner so hoping whoever took him in has rehomed him, he has been coming to ours for over a year and also another person on Facebook recognised him as a stray who used to sleep in her shed. We would try to get him to stay but he would be terrified.
Thank you so much for the update Catlover68. It was great to get some more information. Nobody has come forward to claim him on any of the sites we have advertised him on. He has been with us a couple of months now and we have offered him a forever home with us. Progress has been very slow but having followed the experts advice he has gone from hiding almost constantly to spending lots of time with us. He adores being petted and sitting in laps. One by one he has gotten used to us and although he is still very skittish if he gets a fright, he has come on leaps and bounds. We adore him and have named him Sméagol after the Lord of the Rings character because he reminds us of him from some of the facial reaction he pulls and the way he acts. He has had visits to the vets to get him healthy. His FIV test came back negative. He has now been neutered and does not caterwaul almost constantly now. His coat is much improved, he’s cleaner and loves to sleep in warm comfortable places. We are slowly introducing him to our existing older cat, Jinx who doesn’t like him. Sméagol wants so much for Jinx to interact with him, but Jinx is 14 and can’t be bothered. We felt a bit mean to Jinx bringing another cat into the home but honestly we felt like we might be condemning Sméagol to life in a shelter because of the way he looks and behaves. Plus we love him and think Jinx will accept him if we keep introducing them correctly. There has not been a serious fight. We do hope Sméagol has a happy ever after with us. If anyone else knows anything about him I would love to hear. I have no idea when or how he lost his tail or piece of his ear and am curious whether they were gone when you used to see him about Catlover? We also learned he was hanging out on the estate near Downhill Infants school for several months.
Thank you so much for the update Catlover68. It was great to get some more information. Nobody has come forward to claim him on any of the sites we have advertised him on. He has been with us a couple of months now and we have offered him a forever home with us. Progress has been very slow but having followed the experts advice he has gone from hiding almost constantly to spending lots of time with us. He adores being petted and sitting in laps. One by one he has gotten used to us and although he is still very skittish if he gets a fright, he has come on leaps and bounds. We adore him and have named him Sméagol after the Lord of the Rings character because he reminds us of him from some of the facial reaction he pulls and the way he acts. He has had visits to the vets to get him healthy. His FIV test came back negative. He has now been neutered and does not caterwaul almost constantly now. His coat is much improved, he’s cleaner and loves to sleep in warm comfortable places. We are slowly introducing him to our existing older cat, Jinx who doesn’t like him. Sméagol wants so much for Jinx to interact with him, but Jinx is 14 and can’t be bothered. We felt a bit mean to Jinx bringing another cat into the home but honestly we felt like we might be condemning Sméagol to life in a shelter because of the way he looks and behaves. Plus we love him and think Jinx will accept him if we keep introducing them correctly. There has not been a serious fight. We do hope Sméagol has a happy ever after with us. If anyone else knows anything about him I would love to hear. I have no idea when or how he lost his tail or piece of his ear and am curious whether they were gone when you used to see him about Catlover? We also learned he was hanging out on the estate near Downhill Infants school for several months.
I am so glad to get this message as I was worried about him. You have persevered more than we were able to as I already have two cats and the older of the two wouldn’t tolerate him at all. A young woman in Bamburgh grove told me on Facebook that he often slept in her shed ans my partner saw him in Embleton ave once. He would come to our garden regularly and I fed him every time he came. I rarely saw him in the winter and thought he must have somewhere to shelter. He sometimes slept in our conservatory but not overnight.
Continued.. He initially would not let us touch him when he first started visiting and he would panic if I tried to close the door when he came in. He got to coming and smudging up against me for a stroke with his funny little chirp. I know exactly what you mean about his expressions. He reminds me of a little raccoon! I will put a photo on I took of him in our garden last summer. I hope he brings you lots of joy and please keep persevering because I think he’s been an outdoor/stray so long he deserves a warm home. I don’t know how he came by the missing ear or tail. Thanks again for your good deed and it’s made me happy to know he’s safe and sound xx

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