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LOST CAT: White cat [name withheld] - Walthamstow area, Waltham Forest


Name: [Name Withheld]
Breed & Species: Unknown cat
Colour: White
Went missing: 3 years ago
(15 December 2021 at around 14:00hrs)
Location: Hurst Road, London, UK
Health: Healthy
Age: 16 years old (approx)
Sex: Female
Collar: No
Microchipped: Yes
Markings: Green and blue eyed
Circumstances: Builder left door open
Other info: Small white cat with two different coloured eyes. One blue and one green.
Our ref: PR81239
Posted on: 18 December 2021
Posted by: MonorcarlingMonorcarling
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Where this cat went missing:

Hurst Road, London, UK

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Missing pet report received on Pets Reunited.
Report approved by Administrator.
long shot but this was posted on a maidstone area FB group 22/12/21 , if lost kitty accidently got in a van it's a possibility = Avron Kay 1i9h6p1htso4ge9d530804 · Has anyone 'lost' a white cat. One blue eye and one green eye. I've been feeding him/her for the last 2 days, which is when it showed up, but it looks like it's been on it's own for a while. Quite friendly, i don't think its deaf as it definitely heard when someone knocked on my front door. ME16 area this is the FB post link Avron Kay 1i9h6p1htso4ge9d530804 · Has anyone 'lost' a white cat. One blue eye and one green eye. I've been feeding him/her for the last 2 days, which is when it showed up, but it looks like it's been on it's own for a while. Quite friendly, i don't think its deaf as it definitely heard when someone knocked on my front door. ME16 area
Hi Just saw a white cat with a blue collar in Lloyd Park, not sure if its the same cat, but saw the poster. Sorry didnt see the eyes that close as they ran off when a child went up to stroke it. They were at the bridge, that is opposite the restaurant and children's play area. Interested in the pigeons. Just 10 mins ago

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