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LOST CAT: Ginger tabby, tortoiseshell and white cat called Bean - Wellingborough area, Northamptonshire

Name: Bean
Breed & Species: Domestic short-haired cat
Colour: Ginger tabby, tortoiseshell and white
Went missing: 4 years ago
(24 July 2020 at around 01:00hrs)
Location: Rock Road, Finedon, Wellingborough NN9 5EL, UK
Health: Healthy
Age: (approx)
Sex: Female
Collar: Black with fish bones
Microchipped: No
Markings: Very unique looking markings, a lot of mixed patterns especially two on her front legs (large splodge on the right leg of light and dark grey) ginger tabby face, multi coloured body, although under belly is mostly white.
Circumstances: She normally falls asleep in my wardrobe so I didn't think to look for her whilst I had been moving my stuff in and out of the car. Went upstairs after I had finished to no cat. Thought was she was downstairs so didn't think anything of it. Woke up at 5am to the family dog rustling with something but didnt think it would be Bean. My mum then screamed that it may be Bean. In a panic we then tried to figure out where she went but haven't seen her since :(
Other info: She is normally very vocal when met with a calm presents. Chirps a lot but may be very timid as she hasn't ever been outside before. Quite underdeveloped due to stresses (lots of moving) since I have had her.
Our ref: PR63968
Posted on: 26 July 2020
Posted by: pjtyler95pjtyler95
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Where Bean went missing:

Rock Road, Finedon, Wellingborough NN9 5EL, UK

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