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The Crossway, Heworth, York YO31 9LG, UK
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Tabby Domestic short-haired cat
Kirkham Avenue, York YO31 9AB, UK
Black Domestic short-haired cat
Oakville Street, Clifton, York YO31 8RX, UK
Tabby Domestic long-haired cat
Oakland Avenue, Heworth, York, UK
White with Brown ferret
67 Rowntree Avenue, York, UK
Green Amazon parrot
Rowntree Avenue, Clifton, York YO30 6HQ, UK
Grey dog
Heworth, York YO31 0XR, UK
Glen Avenue, York YO31 0XN, UK
Black (with white patch on chest) cat
Burton Green, Clifton, York YO30 6JD, UK
Black and White British Shorthair cat
Gormire Avenue, Huntington, York YO31 9JB, UK