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Orrin Close, Woodthorpe, York YO24 2RA, UK
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Brown, tan cat
Greenwood Grove, York YO24 3DT, UK
Green (with red beak) Parakeet bird
Windermere, York YO24 2RN, UK
Grey with black and white Savannah cat
Walker Drive, York YO24 3NE, UK
Tabby cat
Westfield Place, York YO24 3HL, UK
Ginger and White British Shorthair cat
Tabby Domestic short-haired cat
Westfield Place, York, UK
Black brown cat
Gale Lane, York, UK
Black and White cat
Goodwood Grove, York YO24 1ER, UK
Ginger Domestic short-haired cat
Ridgeway, York YO26 5DA, UK