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FOUND CAT: Black & white cat - Watlington area, Oxfordshire

Name: Unknown
Breed & Species: Moggy (short haired) cat
Colour: Black & white
Found: 15 years ago
(01 August 2009 at around 12:00hrs)
Location: Ascott Paddocks, Stadhampton, Oxon, OX44 7UH
Health: Healthy
Sex: Unknown
Collar: No
Microchipped: No
Markings: Black and white, short haired, pink nose, distinctive yellow eyes rimmed with black fur around the edges making them look like they've been made up with black eyeliner! Not sure if its a boy or a girl.
Circumstances: Please note: Date and time found is approximate. From the finder: "I have seen this cat around the farm land here from time to time as long ago as last summer. I thought it was a feral one or belonged to one of the nearby farms. Formerly it never came closer than about 50 yrds and was extremely timid. Last week with the cold weather, it walked righ up to me mewing pitiously and weaving against my legs. It looked thinner than usual so I gave it some food in the garden and since then it has been running to me as soon as it hears my voice often waiting behind the door in the mornings."
Other info: It also has considerable swelling on its abdoment on both sides so I if its a girl cat, I fear it might be expecting kittens or otherwise there might be something wrong with it.
Our ref: PR32419
Posted on: 30 December 2009
Posted by: NickCarpenterNickCarpenter - PetsReunited
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Where this cat was found:

Ascott Paddocks, Stadhampton, Oxon, OX44 7UH

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Report received on the Animal Finders system.
Report approved by Administrator.
Report tweeted to 1123 followers on Twitter - www.twitter.com/animalfinders
Report distributed to relevant organisations on the Official Alert Network for Watlington.
Report distributed to Local Pet Watch members within a 3 mile radius of last known location.
NickCarpenter - PetsReunited
NickCarpenter - PetsReunited
We have an update from the finder about this cat:"I fed the cat since before Christmas Eve and it had about 4 pouches plus dry food every day! Very hungry! It stayed at a hay barn where I made a "nest" for it of a horse blanked on top of the bales. Unfortuantely it started looking that it was going to give birth soon so I managed to take her to Blue Cross at Lewknor where she is now at their "maternity ward". If anyone claims the cat is theirs, they can get in touch with Blue Cross there. It was difficult to decide what to do for the best for the cat but as my hay barn is constantly in use and bales are taken off the stack all the time, it wouldn't have been peaceful enough for her to have her kittens there and with this cold weather and freezing nights they may not have stood much of a chance under a hedge somewhere. Also, my own cat and the stray were stressing each other out."

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